Beginners Muay Thai Timetable
Muay Thai can be used as a great fitness workout and is excellent for toning and building lean muscle as it uses all parts of the body. Muay Thai provides a great cardiovascular workout increasing aerobic strength. Training sessions include a selection of plyometrics, body conditioning, targeted pad work, partner drills and work using a punch bag. Reflexes, eye to hand and your overall coordination will improve with this type of workout, as will aerobic fitness, stamina and muscle definition.
In addition to the overall benefits of a rigorous fitness program, you will enjoy unique benefits as a member of the Matrix Muay Thai program:
Learn a Martial Art
Unlimited Training
Burn up to 1000 calories per session
Lose fat, tone up and improve cardiovascular fitness
You will experience a great martial arts workout
Muay Thai instructors from Thailand
Seminars conducted by World Champions
Able to attend field trips to Thailand